GOOD PRACTICES Connect Good Practices collection AllCulture and CreativityDialogue with Policy MakersEducationEmployementEntrepreneurshipEnvironmentOtherSocial InclusionVolunteering United by SoundCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Employement, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Buffer Fringe Performing Arts FestivalCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Learning HubEducation, Employement, Entrepreneurship BUILD – Building A Robust And Democratic Civic SpaceDialogue with Policy Makers, Social Inclusion Active Citizens Fund CyprusCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Other, Social Inclusion DARE- Day One Alliance for EmploymentEducation, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion PODSQUADEducation, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion Cyprus Youth Clubs OrganizationDialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Other, Social Inclusion Inclusive Youth Leadership Program-Special OlympicsEducation, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Youth Vibes media portalEducation, Other, Volunteering Youth Build SerbiaEducation, Environment, Volunteering Youth work for better cityOther, Volunteering Youth newspapersEducation, Other, Volunteering Young men InitiativeEducation, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Young Balkan Designers (YBD)Culture and Creativity, Education, Environment, Volunteering United by DiversityCulture and Creativity, Education, Other Danube AlaCulture and Creativity, Education, Environment (F)ACT- Advanced training for youth workers in using Marshal Rosenberg method of non-violent communication and Forum Theatre for preventing radicalization leading to violence among youthEducation, Other, Social Inclusion Better Air DialogueEnvironment Knowledge to workEmployement, Entrepreneurship Šta nam TeškoEnvironment, Volunteering Help lineOther Science Club BelgradeEducation School of GoodwillEducation, Social Inclusion School for human rights Vojin DimitrijevićEducation NS Check Point centarEducation, Other, Volunteering Programme for reconciliation and social justiceEducation, Other International volunteer campsEnvironment, Volunteering ORkidCA Children’s ClubEnvironment, Other O radioCulture and Creativity Safe School programEducation Let the voice be heard – internet media portalCulture and Creativity Youth Radio and Portal – We create futureCulture and Creativity Open kitchen programOther NSHC Psychological Counseling CenterOther Neighborhood Initiatives FundOther, Volunteering MuzikanovaCulture and Creativity, Education Mobile youth clubEducation Festival Mirëdita, dobar dan!Culture and Creativity, Education, Volunteering Mingl – Youth media portalEducation, Other Youth and media for democratic developmentDialogue with Policy Makers, Entrepreneurship Online consultations for lesbiansEducation, Other, Social Inclusion Krokodil CenterCulture and Creativity Safe BookOther, Social Inclusion Innovative Entrepreneurship AcademyEmployement, Entrepreneurship Day club for the homelessSocial Inclusion Psychological counseling center for LGBTIQ+ youth and familiesOther, Social Inclusion InfopolisEducation, Other Inclusion programmeSocial Inclusion IMPAKTCulture and Creativity, Education Inclusive HotelEducation, Social Inclusion GRUBB SchoolCulture and Creativity, Education I’m not a problem, I have a problemEducation, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Support for the education of socially deprived children and young people in SerbiaEducation, Social Inclusion Education for sustainable developmentEnvironment, Other Be a Man ClubEducation, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Divac Youth FundsEmployement, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Direct support programmeOther, Social Inclusion Educational creative and fun workshops centerCulture and Creativity, Education Roma programEducation, Employement, Social Inclusion Resource CenterEducation, Volunteering Astra Trafficking center Help lineOther Developmental-prevention CenterEducation, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Solidarity Network Nicosia In ActionEducation, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Youth EmpoweredEducation, Employement, Entrepreneurship YUPAD – YoUth Participatory budgets empowering young people using big DataEducation, Social Inclusion S.Coop.S – Smart and Cooperative SkillsEducation The STEAMersEducation Youth Makerspace LarnakaDialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship H.E.Y.! Heightening the Engagement of YouthDialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion YOUROPECulture and Creativity, Education, Volunteering The Volunteerism in AthienouDialogue with Policy Makers, Volunteering You(th) 4 Cul/Fu(ture)Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship YES: Youth Engagement in SocietyEducation, Employement, Social Inclusion The European Virtual Library of DinanCulture and Creativity, Education, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Participatory budgetCulture and Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Youth initiative grantCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment Pocket moneyEducation, Employement 100 action proposals for the local territoryCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Volunteering Europe, my countryDialogue with Policy Makers Youth Work AcademyDialogue with Policy Makers EUPoliSDialogue with Policy Makers Strengthening Rural Communities – A Youth Empowerment and Community Development Training ProgrammeDialogue with Policy Makers Rights, Camera, Action! Participation and Democracy in EuropeDialogue with Policy Makers Y- CASI _ Youth for Citizenship And Social InclusionDialogue with Policy Makers, Social Inclusion Structured Synergies improve Structured DialogueDialogue with Policy Makers Spin DoTsDialogue with Policy Makers Digital Youth DialogueDialogue with Policy Makers TRAINDialogue with Policy Makers ANG inRadioDialogue with Policy Makers Giovani 2030 EURVoiceDialogue with Policy Makers Well of Values: Youth as a Social Media Values PromoterDialogue with Policy Makers, Education YOUNG CITIESDialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Environment, Volunteering National Youth Conference HOUSE OF THE YOUTH REPRESENTATIVESCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion, Volunteering KOKEN – Cyprus Youth Clubs OrganisationsCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion, Volunteering BI-ANNUAL PEER-TO-PEER SOCIAL AWARENESS SEMINARSCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Marathasa YouthCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Youth Social ActCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Environment, Social Inclusion, Volunteering YOUTH INITIATIVESCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Scheme for the Enhancement of Youth EntrepreneurshipEmployement, Entrepreneurship YOUTH INFORMATION CENTRESCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering DIGITAL SYSTEMS FOR A SMART APPROACH TO ART INCLUSION THROUGH MEDIATION Save Earth Save Humanity Enterprise 101 Pebbles of Science Project Kadınlarla El Ele Projesi Damla Etkisi: Gençlik Projelerinde Sürdürülebilirliğin SağlanmasıEntrepreneurship AB Uyum Sürecinde Türkiye Kırsal Nüfusunun Katılımı ve Gelişimi Doğa Dostu Kent Bahçeleri Kayıp Masallar Pesticide Free Towns Digital Teachers Life is Easy in Digital Equalize the Future Geleceğini Tasarla My Sister Climate, Energy and Mobility Being Youth In My Country New Media and NGOs Innestiurbani – Oliena Restart villageEmployement, Environment, Social Inclusion E-commerce etico Terre RitrovateEntrepreneurship, Social Inclusion TèssereEnvironment, Social Inclusion Ci siamo!Social Inclusion Vela per tuttiSocial Inclusion S’ortu de TziviriuEnvironment, Social Inclusion LAV(or)ANDOEntrepreneurship, Social Inclusion GleanCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment Civil Society Dialogue for Empowering Youth Works in LocalCulture and Creativity, Dialogue with Policy Makers, Employement, Entrepreneurship Explore: Motivating Youth into Intercultural DialogueCulture and Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion Shake a Leg, TogetherCulture and Creativity, Other, Social Inclusion, Volunteering Hope&Act BÖLÜNMÜŞ GEÇMİŞ – ORTAK GELECEKCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Other Work Of Man (WOman)Culture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion GençBank projesiCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering GEN TurkeyCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship Sosyal Girişimcilik Programı (SoGiP)Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship Biz Bizze, Kadınlar İçin Fikir Ve Destek ÜnitesiCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Other, Social Inclusion Invest İstanbul Girişimcilik İşbirliği PlatformuCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion Ataşehir Kadın Girişimcilik Merkezi (Akagim)Culture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion MentorpowerCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship İZMİR GENÇLİK BELEDİYESİCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship GÖREREK ÖĞRENİYORUM PROJESİCulture and Creativity, Education, Volunteering Gençlik Köprüsü Türkiye-AlmanyaCulture and Creativity, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Social Inclusion HEP BİRLİKTE: BİR KATILIM PROJESİ – “Together: A Participation ProjectCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion İstanbul Girişimcilik ve İnkübasyon MerkeziCulture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering Yıldız Gençler ProjesiCulture and Creativity, Education, Employement, Entrepreneurship, Social Inclusion, Volunteering YESS Academy (Youth Employment Support Scheme)Culture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Volunteering Genç Gönüllüler (Young Volunteers)Culture and Creativity, Employement, Volunteering Ankara Social Innovation Youth Center- Ankara Sosyal İnovasyon Gençlik Merkezi (ASİGM)Culture and Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship Your Right, Youth Rights ProjectCulture and Creativity, Education, Volunteering Youth Friendly Cities Index (YFCI) ProjectCulture and Creativity, Education Southeastern Anatolia Socio-Economic Development Program for YouthCulture and Creativity, Employement Malatya Kent Konseyi Gençlik MeclisiCulture and Creativity, Employement SOGENÇ ( Social Entrepreneurs Youth) ProjectCulture and Creativity, Employement Genç Bak- İş Project (Youth Job-Look Project)Culture and Creativity, Employement Aynı Gökyüzüne Bakıyoruz Project (We Look at the Same Sky Project)Culture and Creativity, Employement Good NewsCulture and Creativity, Employement