Due to the current situation, last activities of the project, originally scheduled in Malta, Estonia and Belgium, were postponed. After a consultation with delegation and members from partner countries we have decided to host the meeting in a virtual way, supported by new and innovative technologies.
The meeting in Malta represented the moment where participants had the possibility to get in contact with a Member from the European Parliament and analyze a case of success represented by the partner Maltese National Youth Council’s (KNŻ). Founded in 1992, the Council is the national representative body for all Maltese youths of ages between 13 and 35. Following the scheduled agenda, the discussion of the meeting was focused on the analysis of a best practice of youth participation. Starting from the first results of the online pools we had a discussion regarding most important results emerged. Activities continued with an internal evaluation among the team and with a plan for the next activities.
Seminar in Estonia. The last seminar of the project should have been in Estonia for the finalization of the results and the preparation of the materials for the presentation to the institutions. Groups of partecipants worked in team for the finalization of the four recommendations emerged from local and international activities. The seminar followed the scheduled agenda and what we have planned for this activity.
Last meeting in Bruxelles. According to the road map the last meeting should have been in Bruxelles where we, as a team, we agreed to have a set of visits to the Institutions (European Parliament, European Commission and other important decisional places based in the capital). The final meeting has been hosted through an online platform. During this activity delegates received an overview about 24 months of activities. Project results have been presented and they include: recommendations, results of the online pools, highlights from the forum, educational videos and the draft of the final publication. As planned in the agenda we worked in small teams and groups and share opinions and ideas regarding these materials. The meeting represented also the possibility to discuss about future plans and common projects. Last activity of the meeting was the final evaluation done with menti.com platform.