With the inclusion of Turkey to Erasmus Plus Programme in 2004, civil youth actions have started rapidly and continued to grow day by day since then. Owing to the great number of youth population and their potential, our country has become one of the countries where Erasmus Plus Programme is implemented most intensively and actively.


Results/Outcomes/Products: Officially named “Empowerment of Youth Associations for Rights-based and Inclusive Youth Network”, “Local Youth Associations Network” project will carry out a number of activities to empower youth associations in the rights-based area, make them more inclusive and enhance their cooperation with each other.These activities are: Search Conferences Advisory Committee Meetings Fieldworks Founding of the Youth Network Empowering Training Activities Founding a Data Bank
Contacts: iletisim@pigenclikdernegi.org
Name of the coordinator: Pi Gençlik Derneği
Location: Konak / İzmir/ Turkey