With our project “New Media and NGO’s”, we want to popularize the opportunities of new media for youth workers and NGO any longer and raise awareness of this group about hate speech. 10 non-governmental organizations from 10 countries and 40 youth workers will come together between the dates of 18-25 February 2018 in İzmir, Turkey with the project “New Media and NGO’s”.
Results/Outcomes/Products: The participants will enhance the capacity of themselves and their institutions on the subject of new media and mew media tools. At the same time they gain information and awareness of hate speech in new media.The countries, which the project partners represent; Germany, Bulgaria, Croatia, England, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey.
Project Output:
Contacts: iletisim@pigenclikdernegi.org
Name of the coordinator: Pi Gençlik Derneği
Location: Konak / İzmir/ Turkey

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