Our aim is to empower women against the difficulties in finding a job or establishing a business, to raise awareness of gender discrimination in working life, to contribute to women who want to take action for economic independence and to be an address that brings together people and institutions striving for this.
Results/Outcomes/Products: With the training programs we organize, the services of consultancy, guidance, coaching, mentoring, business development and creating common market areas, we facilitate access to the information and support women need to achieve their dreams and participate in life.We bring the women participating in the programs together with women who have progressed as professionals or entrepreneurs and create a network that everyone is a part of it.
Contacts: info@bizbizze.com
Name of the coordinator: Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma İçin Yenilikçi Çözümler Derneği
Location: İstanbul/ Kadıköy/Turkey

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