Equalize the Future

The Equalize the Future Project aims to increase the digital competencies, social entrepreneurship skills and employability of Turkish and foreign youth between the ages of 15-24 who live in Turkey. Implemented in partnership with UNICEF and Habitat Association, the project carries out its activities in two main categories: Digital Skills Development Program and Entrepreneurship Support Program.


Results/Outcomes/Products: Digital Skills Development Program Design Thinking, Blockchain Literacy and Google Tools Trainings Digital Masters Academy Unity, UI-UX, Python, Career Planning Trainings and Webinars Youth4Goals Summit Entrepreneurship Support Program GenU Youth Challenge (Pre-Bootcamp, Bootcamp, Accelerator, Demo Day, Global GenU)
Contacts: gelecegiesitle@habitatdernegi.org
Name of the coordinator: Habitat Derneği
Location: Sarıyer, İstanbul / Türkiye