HEP BİRLİKTE: BİR KATILIM PROJESİ – “Together: A Participation Project

“Together: A Participation Project”, in partnership with GSM-Youth Services Center and Lunaria/Italy, Civil Society Dialogue-III, in order to better understand the reforms implemented in the European Union membership process and their results and to support the progress of these reforms with the participation of non-governmental organizations, It was carried out within the scope of the Political Criteria program.


Results/Outcomes/Products: Campaign Execution Training Course was organized with the participation of 30 civil society representatives from different provinces of Turkey. Training course The training course, which lasted 4 days, was carried out by 3 trainers from Turkey and the EU and within the scope of the training. After the completion of the training program, the training program was converted into a printed manual. European Union Training Course Structured Dialogue Conference Good Practices Workshop
Contacts: gsm@gsm.org.tr
Name of the coordinator: GSM Gençlik Servisleri Merkezi
Location: Ankara/Turkey