Innestiurbani – Oliena Restart village

The project aims to recognize or reconstruct the "Value", in the broadest sense of the term, of the central core and more widely of the entire "Heritage" of the rural village. The event has marked Oliena's entry into the "network of communities" that are questioning the issue of urban regeneration and opportunities for transforming the consolidated urban fabric.


Results/Outcomes/Products: Overall, 80 students (from different nationalities and citizenships), 6 universities (Politecnico di Milano, the University of Cagliari and of Sassari, Universidad de Madrid, Universidade de Lisboa, and Tianjin University in China), 20 teachers and tutors, and 27 national and international speakers for as many public conferences have participated in the 3 editions held so far. During the workshops, 14 urban sustainability projects, 8 master's theses, and one urban design workshop were developed.
Name of the coordinator: Ass.Culturale Oliena Centro
Location: Oliena, Sardinia, Italy