Within the scope of the project, women of different age groups and education levels;
Appreciating oneself and others
Beautifying the language of communication
To be able to recognise the inner critic and choose his/her actions
To be able to see their own strengths and the strengths of those around them
Results/Outcomes/Products: The content of the Hand in Hand with Women Project was designed as 6 sessions, each lasting 3 hours. The activities carried out within this scope;
2 ICF Turkey member Professional Team Coaches and a Technical Assistant
Once a week, on the same day and time (e.g. always on Wednesdays - 13:00 to 16:00)
Minimum group of 15 - Maximum group of 20 people
With the participation of 2 volunteers from ÇYDD branches in each group (15=13 parents + 2 ÇYDD members, 20=17 parents + 3 ÇYDD members).
Contacts: cydd@cydd.org.tr
Name of the coordinator: Çağdaş Yaşamı Destekleme Derneği
Location: Şişhane / İstanbul/ Turkey

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