This program is designed to support and engage community activists in making their neighborhoods nicer and better. And we encourage local non-formal groups of citizens to apply for financial support. And we made it really simple – just follow these 4 steps: Gather your neighbors and think about the problem you want to solve; Fill in a very simple application form and email it us; When project idea and budget is approved – collect your invoices; OYF will pay all your invoices – and you can go
Results/Outcomes/Products: Selection committee selected and approved 12 project ideas, in total worth of almost 1/2 million RSD.
And here’s some interesting data: ★ 40% of all projects will be implemented in rural areas ★ 30% of all projects proposals are focused on renovation and construction of public spaces ★ 49% of all applicants are young people aged 15 to 30 years ★40% of all applicants are women.
Name of the coordinator: Obrenovac Youth Foundation
Location: Obrenovac/Serbia

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