Online consultations for lesbians

The Team for Lesbian Counselling & Education is a collective of four lesbian feminist counsellors who care about lesbian emotional well-being through individual counselling, workshop of experience and various types of group work. Consultations deal with providing emotional and psychological support to women who love women.


Results/Outcomes/Products: You can always contact them by e-mail and they try to answer your messages within 2, and maximum 3 working days. If you write to them on Fridays, you can usually expect our reply after the weekend. Their mobile duty lasts on Mondays from 17:00 to 20:00. Then you can reach them by phone Viber or WhatsApp. If you don't have credit/top-up on your phone, you can write or send them a message and they will call you.
Name of the coordinator: Konsultacije za lezbejke
Location: Belgrade, Serbia