Open kitchen program

The CK13 Open Kitchen was created in 2010 in the CK13 Youth Center as a volunteer project based on similar projects in Europe, i.e. in Germany, where such activist kitchens have been active in the alternative, squatter and anarchist scene since the early 80s of the 20th century under the name Volxküche ( VoKü). As self-organized collectives within various autonomous and youth centers, they are still an integral part of the left political scene and infrastructure today.


Results/Outcomes/Products: Through the symbolic price of the meal every Wednesday, we show that it is not necessary to allocate a lot of money to eat well and healthily, that with relatively little money a large number of people can be fed and that it can be sustainable, with positive effects on humans, animals and nature.
Name of the coordinator: CK13 Youth Center
Location: Novi Sad/Serbia