The main purpose of the project is to bring together innovative and creative thinking young entrepreneurs, to support and increase such entrepreneurs. The project aims to provide Social Entrepreneur training activities, the establishment of a web portal, the creation of social innovation points, and close with a social entrepreneur career day.Social Innovation Points are the most important tool developed for the sustainability of the project.
Results/Outcomes/Products: Within the scope of the project, 12 seminars were organized for young entrepreneurs, and project preparation and mentoring training were given. In addition, Social Innovation Points were created.The young people who participated in the Finalist Training Camp turned their ideas that produce social benefits into social business models. Finalist youth came together with experts from the business world and civil society.
Contacts: (0216) 578 86 52
Name of the coordinator: Istanbul Kalkınma Ajansı
Location: Ümraniye/ İstanbul/Türkiye

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