The “YOUTH INITIATIVES” Project funds activities organized by young people and youth organizations in Cyprus, except activities under the Sub-action 6.2 (Youth participation to conferences/seminars and other activities abroad). This project gives incentives to young people to have an active role in cultural, sport, political and social activities in Cyprus. It aims at encouraging non-formal learning and active citizenship through volunteerism. I


Results/Outcomes/Products: The Programme was launched in 2008 by the Cyprus Youth Board with the aim to provide funding to young people and youth organisations for the implementation of their activities, including cultural activities. Among other objectives, it provides incentives to promote youth mobility and active participation in the cultural, political and social life in Cyprus and abroad. Results 40 Conferences, 109 Cultural Events, 71 Awareness raising campaigns, 31 Field trips.
Name of the coordinator: Youth Board of Cyprus
Location: All Cyprus