Advanced Media Institute

Advanced Media Institute, Applied Research on Communication and New Journalism (AMI), established by a highly-regarded team of academics, journalists and communication specialists, is a non-profit organization based in Cyprus. It is directed by a Board chaired by Sofia Iordanidou, Associate Professor of Journalism and Communication at the Open University of Cyprus, and comprises a Scientific Committee. Currently, it employs six Project Managers (University professors) and 32 Researchers and Content Producers (quite a few specializing in tourism and travel journalism). It is financially supported by registration fees, sponsorships and paid services for special projects.

The advantage derived from the link of AMI to the Graduate Program “Communication and New Journalism” of the Open University of Cyprus ensures the support of knowledgeable educators who combine academic credentials with broad experience in Media and Communication. At the same time, AMI has built an international network of scientists and professionals.

Using the open and distance learning methodology and the latest digital technologies, including tele-platforms and cloud, AMI focuses on:
a. advancing scientific knowledge in communication and journalism through original research projects, and
b. producing content plus build-to-order and turn-key projects, that combine inputs from renowned scholars and media professionals with a strong social message.
Toward its commitment to link theory with practice, AMI pursues the goal of exploiting the multi-disciplinary background and expertise of the graduate program’s faculty and its members to produce various projects, including special publications. Such activities offer scholars and professionals the opportunity to combine their research interests and engage in fruitful collaboration.

Advanced Media Institute fully endorses the 2015 UN Global Goals and Finance for Development, and our activities are geared towards popularization and advancement. We have proven that we have the will and capacity to successfully carry out a series of projects and we would gladly participate in a tailored capacity development program. Our track record proves our active interest in collaborating with other CSOs to influence policy in Greece and Cyprus, and even regionally across Europe and the Mediterranean. We deliver projects in a cost-effective way, and report on them timely, honoring the deadlines.
Our activities include the publication, in collaboration with Columbia Journalism Review, of a highbrow quarterly journal in Greece and Cyprus entitled Δημοσιογραφία (Journalism), which features distinguished politicians, scientists, artists and other influential persons, including senior journalists and opinion-makers from both these countries.

Advanced Media Institute has also piloted new ideas about communication in specialized target groups. The Institute has experience in elaborating sophisticated messages, like those needed in any informed discussion about debt and development.

The “Research” pillar produces pioneering research, new tools and effectual methodology, contributing to the wider debate on the relationship between new technologies and the creation of an open information platform for general or specialized audiences in new technologies, media and communication.

Projects and activities of the Advanced Media Institute:
• The design and content of new Graduate Programs targeted to teachers and educators:
1. Media Literacy in the Contemporary School;
2. Social Media and Communication, in collaboration with Danube University Krems in Austria.
• Social Media Seminars.
• Our first MOOC: the webinar entitled “How does the Internet change the way journalism is conducted in the current media landscape” was designed especially for OUC and offered in collaboration with EADTU as the first MOOC. The aim of the webinar was to offer participants a wider understanding of the new media environment, social media and tools on how journalism is applied today.
• Place Branding and Travel Journalism expertise, focusing also on rural tourism. Expert researchers on the subject develop new perspectives, tools and methodology regarding Destination Branding, a field to which the AMI has paid particular attention over the past few years.
• Conferences held at local level, such as #CreteRetreat2015 which focused on place branding and travel journalism and culminated in the publication of a collective pertinent volume in Greek.
• Three successful International Conferences.
• Participation in more than 30 conferences worldwide and deliverance of more than 100 speeches locally and around the globe.
• A Social Media and Communication e-book. This publication serves as an introduction, a course guide and a manual for all those wanting to learn and use the new social media on the so-called Web 2.0.
• A first collective volume on Networking.
• Three books published in Elsevier’s Scopus publications in the U.K.
• Four collective volumes.
• An international network of scientists and professionals.


Opportunites Offered
Erasmus+ Mobilities, European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering at Local Level, Training, Education
Field of Activity
Social Welfare, Cultural, Social Policy, Active Citizenship, Gender Issues, Equal Opportunities, Education, Human Rights






