The Consortium aims to provide for the administration of the common fund, thus promoting economic and social progress for the population residing in the consortium municipalities and the execution of mountain reorganization works that are not within the competence of the State, using the surcharges that have been assigned to it under Law 27 December 1953 No. 959 and the Ministerial Decree of 14 December 1954, as well as other community, state and regional funds from participation in European, national and regional initiatives. The Consortium aims to provide for the administration of the common fund provided for in Article 1, paragraph 14 of Law 27 December 1953 No. 959, committing it for the economic and social progress of the populations residing in the perimeter of the Consortium municipalities.
In particular, it provides:
-to implement and coordinate all initiatives aimed at increasing, developing and supporting the agricultural economy of the municipalities included in the Watershed, creating greater income or better living conditions for the rural population;
-to promote the emergence and expansion of industrial and craft activities;
-to provide training and specialization of local labor through appropriate courses or schools, in order to facilitate employment and increase income;
-to coordinate and increase the efforts of the Provincial, Municipal and consortium Administrations for better maintenance of the road network belonging to these entities;
-to support tourist, cultural, sports, social and volunteer initiatives aimed at developing communities and exploiting territorial resources;
-to enhance and coordinate social and welfare activities for the most needy categories;
-to carry out public works directly or in collaboration with municipalities;
-to promote all initiatives aimed at safeguarding culture, the Sardinian language and popular traditions in general;
-to provide, through its library, a support service to the libraries present in the consortium municipalities;
The consortium may provide for the request for the direct supply of electricity under the terms and conditions provided for by Article 3 of Law 27 December 1953 No. 959.
The Consortium is responsible for representing and defending the interests of all municipalities that are part of it for all procedures to be handled in administrative or judicial proceedings originating from new and old hydroelectric plants.