Emphasys Centre: Centre for Education, ICT Training and Research

‘Emphasys Centre’ was established in 1998 and is operating as a highly successful ‘Education, ICT Training (VET) and Research Centre, approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (MOECYS).


Emphasys comprises of four main directorates:


(1) Validated and certified IT courses accredited by national and EU examination boards (ECDL – EQF Level 3-4), the MOECYS (Pancyprian IT exams – EQF Level 5), Cambridge University (GCE A Level Computer Science) etc.

(2) Career guidance and counseling services to young people and students, as well as counseling and special support to all learners according to their needs (Early School Leavers, Young unemployed people, Special Educational Needs, etc.).

(3) Organisation of seminars, presentation, discussions for various issues of concern of our target groups, i.e. Seminar on Active Ageing and Intergenerational Learning, Senior Citizens and Youth: Links and prospects, Internet Security, Careers Orientation, etc.

B) ICT TRAINING DIRECTORATE which is active both at the national/regional and EU level through the various training courses/ seminars/ summer schools/ mobilities/ labs etc. offered to different target groups such as adults, teachers, students/ young people, as well as professionals.

As part of the ICT Directorate, two sub-units are established:

(1) The STEAM UNIT offers project-driven related courses to young people combining Robotics, 3D Design and Printing using the Craftbot+ 3D Printer, and Coding through Video Game design using state of the art Virtual Reality Headsets such as the Oculus Rift S guided with ‘Lego Education Trainer’ instructors.

(2) The ONE STOP DIGITAL SUPPORT CENTRE offers targeted seminars, experts’ visits and tutorials, career advisors’ presentations etc. are organized aiming to upgrade their skills for the digitalized economy and the labour market. A wide selection of tools and platforms is available for people to use.

(3) European KA1 Training UNIT which focuses in various fields such as ‘Coding and Robotics for Educators’, ‘Technology Tools in the classroom’ for Teachers, Adult Educators, Young People, Youth Workers, VET trainers etc.

C) RESEARCH DIRECTORATE which cooperates closely with several organisations for the preparation, implementation and management of various EU projects in different programmes, such as the Erasmus+ in the field of Education, VET, Sports and youth, AMIF, Justice and other national programmes. It also:
– Provides consultancy services for the preparation of proposals especially for the Erasmus+ programme in all sectors and types (from KA1 to KA3).
– Provides support and guidance for the management of EU projects to schools and NGOs.
– Has a strong network of organization at the local, regional and national level for the promotion of EU project and initiatives.
– Designs and promotes dissemination strategies for the results of various EU projects for further exploitation valorization.
– Promotes the design, pilot-testing and implementation of innovative e- tools that enhance quality teaching and learning.
– Takes up initiatives to promote the value and importance of the recognition and validation of key competences and skills gained in non-formal learning activities.
– Supports the quality provision of lifelong learning opportunities for all: young children youth, adults and seniors.

*Emphasys participates in the DLEARN Digital Learning Network, a highly active network promoting digital literacy and acquisition, with other 25 organisations from Europe.

D) SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORATE which is involved in the design, development, pilot-testing and evaluation of various e-learning tools, platforms, websites, applications and assessment portals etc.


The «Emphasys Centre» is approved by the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture as an Educational and Vocational Centre specializing in the field of ICT and by the Cyprus Human Resource Authority.

Privacy Company for Youth
Opportunites Offered
Erasmus+ Mobilities, European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering at Local Level, Training, Education
Field of Activity
Social Policy, Active Citizenship







