Gal Bmg

The GAL participated in the previous Community programming experience 2007-2013, Leader-Axis IV. The Local Action Group (GAL) Rural District Barbagia Mandrolisai Gennargentu (BMG), established in 2009, is a foundation of participation composed of 22 public members and over 200 private members, representing the main institutional, economic and social components of the territory.

The territory of the GAL Rural District BMG is made up of the Union of Barbagia municipalities and the Gennargentu Mandrolisai mountain community. The GAL therefore includes 19 municipalities, for a total area of 854.30 square kilometers and a resident population as of 2019 of 23,356 inhabitants.

The foundation aims to improve the quality of life and well-being of the communities in the historical regions of Barbagia, Mandrolisai and Gennargentu through the enhancement of local resources.

The main thematic and intervention areas identified by the GAL BMG for the definition of its Local Development Strategy 2014-2020 are: Development and innovation of local production chains and systems, Sustainable tourism
A significant share of public resources, around 79%, is intended for local development actions, among which support for investments in the creation and development of non-agricultural activities (measure 19.2 Local Development Strategies) is of particular importance.
6% of resources are reserved for the implementation of cooperation projects (measure 19.3 Leader Cooperation).
The remaining 15% is used for the management of the Action Plan and the implementation of animation, communication and accompaniment actions at the local level for public and private actors, businesses, local authorities and the population (measure 19.4 Operating and animation costs).

Other Youth Stakeholder
Opportunites Offered
Internships, Training
Field of Activity
Social Welfare, Cultural, Environmental





Aritzo, Atzara, Austis, Belvì, Desulo, Gadoni, Gavoi, Lodine, Meana Sardo, Ollolai, Oniferi, Olzai, Ortueri, Ovodda, Sarule, Sorgono, Teti, Tiana, Tonara

