Politistiko Ergastiri Ayion Omoloyiton

The Cultural Workshop has been established officially as an Cultural Organization in 2002, but has been active since 1999. It consists of groups that are involved in traditional dance and music, but also works with groups of theater activities and photography and filming. More than 100 persons, both adults children are actively involved and are given the chance to express themselves culturally through the events and activities.

The main activities of the cultural workshop throughout the year consist of dancing groups for children and adults. A group of about 70 children are following lessons of traditional dancing of Cyprus and Greece. Lessons for traditional music and theater activities involve about 20 members.

The results of the lessons and activities are presented in various events either organized by the cultural workshop or when invited to other events.
The cultural Workshop has also been involved in European projects through grants focusing on youth. The Cultural Workshop has been established officially as an Cultural Organisation in 2002, but has been active since 1999. It consists of groups that are involved in traditional dance and music, but also works with groups of theatre activities and photography and filming. More than 100 persons, both adults children are actively involved and are given the chance to express themselves culturally through the events and activities.

Opportunites Offered
Erasmus+ Mobilities, European Solidarity Corps, Volunteering at Local Level, Internships, Training, Education
Field of Activity
Humanitarian, Music and Art, Cultural, Social Policy, Active Citizenship, Gender Issues, Equal Opportunities, Education, Human Rights







