PWN Istanbul is part of an international cooperation that offers its members personal development and networking opportunities in solidarity with the business world. Professional Business Women’s Association aims to enable women to develop themselves in business life, expand their business circles and establish international connections. It officially started its activities as an association in October 2013. The birthplace of PWN is Paris. For this reason, it was established under the European logo (EPWN-European Professional Women Network). In a short time, its name was changed to PWN Global. PWN Global gathers local PWN networks established in 24 cities of the world under its umbrella. It supports local networks in line with objectives such as diversity in business life, closing the gap between women and men in business life, and representation of more women on company boards of directors. It brings together successful women in their fields as speakers, organizes webinars, develops global programs and shares successful initiatives and projects with its members. Professional Business Women’s Association Istanbul carries out its activities in line with the main goal and understanding determined by PWN Global. In addition, it aims to respond to local needs with original studies. It grows with the increasing number of members and the support of its corporate members. Every month, it organizes events where successful people share their knowledge and experience with the members, offers mentorship, produces projects in various working groups and shares them with the society, and gives them the opportunity to experience working in a non-governmental organization. Professional Business Women’s Association Istanbul invites all working women who want to share their knowledge, experience and resources with other women to its network. He wants more volunteers to take an active part in the working groups. It encourages women to support each other through its “Mentoring” program. It gives its members the chance to establish and develop international connections through PWN Global. But he doesn’t forget men either. It invites all men who want to support the work to become a member.

Opportunites Offered
Training, Education
Field of Activity
Humanitarian, Social Welfare, Cultural, Social Policy, Gender Issues, Education, Human Rights, Health