

Welcome to the digital space of TDM 2000 International dedicated to the projects implemented on the topics of youth dialogue, youth participation, and youth policy. Find out more about our initiatives and get involved in your local community.




TDM 2000 International is a non-governmental, non-partisan, non-profit, independent organization committed to foster cooperation across Europe through the establishment of a vivid network of youth organizations. Since its creation in 2008, the network has significantly flourished and now embraces 30 organizations from 23 different countries. So far, it has coordinated, directly implemented, supported and disseminated activities and projects mainly in the fields of Education and Training for Capacity Building, International Cooperation for Development and Mobility for Intercultural Learning. The network counts on a team of highly qualified professionals, with broad experience in fields such as training and coaching, project management, intercultural communication, fundraising and advocacy, lobbying or policy-making.


The EU Youth Dialogue is the dialogue with young people and youth organisations involving policy and decision-makers, as well as experts, researchers, and other relevant civil society actors, as appropriate. It serves as a forum for continuous joint reflection and consultation on the priorities, implementation, and follow-up of European cooperation in the field of youth. It builds on the achievements of past dialogue processes, with the aim of including more decision-makers and young people, especially those with fewer opportunities in decision-making processes and in the implementation of the EU Youth Strategy. The EU Youth Dialogue is organized into 18-month work cycles. Each cycle focuses on a different thematic priority (set by the Council of Youth Ministers). The current thematic priority is “A Sustainable and Green Europe”, which is directly connected to Youth Goals number 3: Inclusive Societies and number 10 Sustainable Green Europe.