Momentum Youth Network Association / Momentum Gençlik Ağı Derneği

Momentum Youth Network Association was founded in 2018 by a group of young people who came together around the principles of historical equality, freedom and solidarity with the aim of increasing the visibility and representation of young people in decision-making mechanisms in society.

Momentum aims to contribute to the construction of a new political language that adopts a non-conflict, egalitarian and fair struggle with the youth. In this context, Momentum aims to carry out activities to increase the appearance and participation of young people in politics, local governments, and various non-governmental organizations and to direct the “Youth Policies” that will be shaped with the participation of young people.

On the other hand, the association determines as its main objectives to progress together with all other disadvantaged groups and to fight against all kinds of inequality for a fair production-consumption-distribution system that respects the ecosystem.

In this context, Momentum;

Youth policies, youth rights, increasing the appearance and representation of young people in civil society and politics

Raising awareness of the role of youth as a subject for an egalitarian, just and democratic society

Making various partnerships and collaborations with non-governmental organizations working in the field of youth in Turkey within the scope of youth rights

Developing local, national and international partnerships within the scope of common principles

Organizing social activities that will benefit the society and especially the youth by using various educational methods

It is active in issues such as making the exploited youth labor visible under the name of student/intern/”inexperienced” and organizing youth labor.

Opportunites Offered
Volunteering at Local Level
Field of Activity
Cultural, Social Policy, Active Citizenship, Education



