Pocket money

Having a first professional experience, discovering the services of a municipality are the objectives of the “Pocket money” scheme. The activities proposed for youngsters are in different sectors such as toasMissions proposed to the administrative department, in schools, in the library, maintenance and weeding work, etc. This device is intended for young people from Dinan from 16 to 17 years old during school holidays. A mission of general interest of 3 hours within a service of the City for 15€


Results/Outcomes/Products: About fifteen young people take part in the program during school holidays, i.e. more than 300 young people who have signed up since 2016.
Contacts: atelierdu5bis@dinan.fr
Name of the coordinator: L'Atelier du 5 Bis (a Center for Resources and Initiatives for Residents, a welcome point for everyone, easily recognizable in one place, to respond effectively to the social needs of residents and to individual initiatives)
Location: Dinan / Bretagne /France